Hong Kong: Who is behind the protests?

The topic; Hong Kong: Who is behind the protests?
First broadcast on Monday 12th August 2019 at 7:00 pm (London time) (6 pm GMT+1) on AL Mayadeen network
The show is hosted by George Galloway with an audience of experts in London.
Repeated on Tuesday 13th
A production of Narcissi for Al Mayadeen TV
Watch the full debate On George Galloway’s page:

Almayadeen Arabic
Narcissi Production page
Roderic Wye | Writer, broadcaster, Lib Dem politician |
Ella Rule | Chair, Communist Party of Britain |
Chef, an Iraqi activist | Chinese at the Department of East Asia, SOAS |
Rasme Nakornsuwan | Enthusiast |
Dr. Liyani Song | Political enthusiast |
Tammy Al Kabbani | Activist |
Jan Gorges | Chef, Iraqi activist |
Cheryl Sanchez | Activist |
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