Middle East following US Withdrawal?

What would the Middle East look like After the US Withdrawal?
Our show is hosted by George Galloway with an audience of experts in London.
- Some Talking Points
- What will the Middle East look like after the US departure?
- What would Israel do when the US leaves the Middle East?
- Will the Middle East without the US look more prosperous and free?
The first broadcast on Monday 24th February 2020 at 19:00 (London time) (GMT) on AL Mayadeen network
Repeated on Tuesday 25th
A production of Narcissi for Al Mayadeen TV
Watch the full debate:

Dr Marcus Papadopoulos | Political analyst; editor: Politics First magazine |
Carol Gould | American journalist / broadcaster |
Dr. Hamid Al-Shejni | Arab and International Affairs Expert. |
Kristian Carter | Engineer, Activist |
Mohsin Abbas | Commentator and Broadcaster |
Joshua Megan | Political Enthusiast |
Salim Algitaa | Political Activist |
Salim Algitaa | Political Activist |
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